And we all fall down!

Parenting is a carefully choreographed super marathon performance. Lots of duct tape and glue sticks are required to hold it all together. But despite our best efforts, sometimes we trip and fall flat on our face. That sums up the last few days in our house.

We’re blessed to have a healthy family. Rarely do the kids miss school. But when they do, it’s a mess. The routines go out the window and the goal is just to get through the day in one piece.

I can count the number of times a bug has taken us down. And it’s always the ‘tummy bug’...

I can count the number of times a bug has taken us down. And it’s always the ‘tummy bug’...  Kids aside, it’s bad enough for adults. But throw in a developing immune systems or maybe some potty training and things things get raw (and smelly).

At 3, Pete is a tough little guy. We’ve joked that he has an iron tummy. He’s dodged all the viruses that have passed through his classes in the last couple years. A few months ago he was sent home for reporting his tummy hurt, but he never got sick. Remember, he’s in room full of preschoolers, and they’ll repeat anything they hear...  I honestly don’t remember him ever being sick before this weekend.

He was sent home late last week after some projectile vomiting. Luckily, it was only one incident. But then things started coming out the other end. I’ll spare you the details, but we made good use of the sanitize cycle on the washer. What followed was a few pretty miserable days. The bug meandered through the house, catching us all, but manifesting itself in different forms. Most meals consisted of ginger ale, lots of water, and crackers.

As we all edged back to 100%, the survival instinct subsides and I began to look back on those days as an accomplishment. We all made it through (except a towel or two) and we discovered a few new Netflix options with the kids. Sure it’s frustrating to see your schedule get puked on. But times like these are always a good reminder that sometimes you have to let go. Just cover the basics for a few days and know that the chaos of ‘normal’ life with kids will be there waiting.

Do you have a good tummy bug story? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

You picked out an amazing prom dress, now shave your head!

Think back to the spring of your senior year in high school... College applications & scholarship interviews, job interviews, finding a date to prom, searching for the perfect tuxedo or dress, and deciding how to wear your hair to prom...

Alyssa, a senior at Warren Township High School in Gurnee, can now skip the last question. Because she shaved her head (and donated a pony tail too). In the process, Alyssa raised a pretty good sum of money in support St. Baldrick's–an organization that funds childhood cancer research. 

It was humbling to watch as all her beautiful hair floated to the floor. Her parents, practically in tears, watched from just a few feet away. And I simply tried to photograph the moment as best I could.

Her bravery in that moment was unbelievably inspiring. Without hesitation, she tossed away the ridiculous social pressures of high school, all so that a young child somewhere might simply be able to live to see her prom...

We Strapped Blades to their Feet!

We had a great time in Cleveland. In fact, we even dodged a bit of snow (not something Cleveland is known for). But it's good to be back in Chicago.

We spent time with family and even did a little ice skating! Skating with little kids is pretty brave by itself–I mean they're challenging enough to contain, so why not strap blades to their feet? Oh and remember not to pick up your kid with skates on... 

To make it more interesting, I was lugging my camera around the ice. I love making photographs in tricky situations (kids, ice, blades, past bed time–a perfect combination).

And if you read my last post, you might be wondering about the drive home... The image below pretty much sums it up. Both kids were out cold for a good 2 hours! I caught up on a few podcasts and we stopped only once during the 6 hour trip. I'd call that a win for Dad. Now back to work, spring break is over!


Spring Break 2015–Road Trip!

Well, it was an adventure, but not the first kind of trip that comes to mind over Spring Break... With Shelby off for the week, I figured why not take the kids to Ohio and visit the grandparents? Driving six hours with a 6 year old and newly minted 3 year old without backup (mom) can't be that bad...

We were less than an hour in and barely out of Chicago, and Shelby requested the first pit stop. I wouldn't call it a NASCAR stop but it was pretty quick. Ok, everybody hit the potty and regroup at one of the cleaner looking corners of the rest stop-ready GO! Still mastering the art of the potty, and new to the loud flush rest stop potty, Pete was not getting anywhere near those monster porcelain vacuums (you'd think for all that noise during a flush, the floors would be dry–yuck). With 350 miles to go and a pull-up for insurance, I chose not to pick that fight. Back in the car we went...

Entertainment options for the trip included: 2 iPads (with barely enough space for 2 movies-come on Apple!), Beats music, satellite radio, a doodle pad, a variety of snacks, and whatever random notepads Shelby managed to stuff into her backpack.

During past trips, Pete has made it a good 4 hours before starting to break down. This time, barely 2 hours in and he started repeating "I wanna go home!" 

After another quick pit stop (Pete still didn't go), I basically threw a little of everything from the snack cooler to the back seat. We cranked up "All About That Bass" and somehow managed to leave the irritability in our wake...

Somehow, we made it! Even more impressive was that Pete's pull up was dry, a feat I couldn't have managed (of course he didn't have a thermos of coffee & diet coke). And this 2 pound Costco cake was waiting for us upon arrival-thanks grandma!