Spring Break 2015–Road Trip!

Well, it was an adventure, but not the first kind of trip that comes to mind over Spring Break... With Shelby off for the week, I figured why not take the kids to Ohio and visit the grandparents? Driving six hours with a 6 year old and newly minted 3 year old without backup (mom) can't be that bad...

We were less than an hour in and barely out of Chicago, and Shelby requested the first pit stop. I wouldn't call it a NASCAR stop but it was pretty quick. Ok, everybody hit the potty and regroup at one of the cleaner looking corners of the rest stop-ready GO! Still mastering the art of the potty, and new to the loud flush rest stop potty, Pete was not getting anywhere near those monster porcelain vacuums (you'd think for all that noise during a flush, the floors would be dry–yuck). With 350 miles to go and a pull-up for insurance, I chose not to pick that fight. Back in the car we went...

Entertainment options for the trip included: 2 iPads (with barely enough space for 2 movies-come on Apple!), Beats music, satellite radio, a doodle pad, a variety of snacks, and whatever random notepads Shelby managed to stuff into her backpack.

During past trips, Pete has made it a good 4 hours before starting to break down. This time, barely 2 hours in and he started repeating "I wanna go home!" 

After another quick pit stop (Pete still didn't go), I basically threw a little of everything from the snack cooler to the back seat. We cranked up "All About That Bass" and somehow managed to leave the irritability in our wake...

Somehow, we made it! Even more impressive was that Pete's pull up was dry, a feat I couldn't have managed (of course he didn't have a thermos of coffee & diet coke). And this 2 pound Costco cake was waiting for us upon arrival-thanks grandma!