Custom Stock Photography
Stock photography for small business. Highlight your unique products and services, and the people who make it happen.
For busy small business owners who understand the importance of marketing polish. A smart business owner knows her time is best spent working on the business (not in it) — doing the things that only she can do best. Stick to running your business, I’ll showcase it.
Show what makes your business special.
I’ll go to your business (or you can bring me products to the studio) and photograph you, your staff, your awesome space, and the amazing products or services you provide. We’ll discuss your business and your marketing objective and work to create authentic and compelling images that you can use in all your promotional efforts — social media, web, print, and beyond.
Clients will get to know your business.
Small business success often hinges on the story behind the business, and you can’t show the true story of your business with traditional stock photography. We all know that lovely family running over the hillside on a sun-drenched late afternoon has nothing to do with the business that’s using it. Your clients want to see you and your space. Give them a taste of what it’s like to enjoy your products or services.
Work on your business, not in it.
So you have an iPhone or a marketing assistant or perhaps a social media intern. And they have iPhones too. Does it make sense to pay them to fiddle on their phones for hours when you have customers to help, phones to answer etc?
My goal is to give you time back to run your business.
I’ll bring my trunk full of professional lighting and an array of lenses that can capture everything from the widest angles to the crumbs from your toffee. Images will be edited and delivered in a professional digital gallery, where they’ll be safe and sound for your organization to access later as a backup.
Case Study —
As part of a website update and media refresh. Heidi, of The Toffee Store, was in need of new product images of her ever popular toffee. So I went out to her warehouse, and we photographed toffee from every angle. She now has high resolution individual product images for the website and marketing. For example, we also photographed toffee sets to show what’s included in a gift box. The images continue to be the highlight of her website. She’s also refreshed her business cards to show a simple clean stack of mouth-watering toffee.
“I get a WOW from everyone that sees my new website, brochures and business cards!”
Q & A with Heidi
Had you tried taking your own photos? What were the challenges?
Yes, many times. And I spent a ton of money on lighting, shadowboxes and backdrops. And I still couldn’t produce the magical results that Scott achieved. My images were grainy, the focus was off, and the background wrecked the shot. Photoshop can only do so much.
Did the new images have a material impact on your business?
Absolutely. I’m getting more higher end clients because my credibility has increased.
What would you tell a small business owner on the fence about investing in product photography?
It’s not an expense. It’s an investment that will create sales. It’s the difference between a Pinto and a BMW.
What does it cost?
Fees start at $700 for a two hour session at your business in the Troy and Rochester areas. Expect a minimum of 20 final images, which you select from many more proofs. Final images will be sized for use online and in print.
Your business is unique. Don’t settle for generic images of someone else.
Contact Scott to discuss a session.
From here, I’ll be in touch to discuss the imaging needs of your particular business. We’ll also review your website and any social profiles or print campaigns to ensure the images we capture make sense for any use.