What To Expect When Booking Corporate Headshots

Are you planning a headshot day for your colleagues in the office? Or maybe you’re hosting a conference and need a headshot booth? Either way, choosing the right photographer for your corporate headshot project can be a daunting task.

With a decade of experience in corporate headshots, I’m here to guide you through what to expect when booking.

Specialized Expertise for Corporate Headshots

Corporate headshots require a different approach compared to individual or creative photoshoots. The images need to be consistent and professional, maintaining a uniform look for all participants. This involves specific posing, lighting, shooting, and processing techniques to ensure repeatable results throughout the day and in the future.

Remember, most participants aren’t professional models, and being photographed isn’t their favorite activity. Often, we work in conference rooms with simple setups—no elaborate scenery or props. This makes the photographer’s skill crucial.

Leveraging Technology for Better Results

Software plays a significant role in achieving excellent headshot results efficiently. I use a great tool called Headshot Tools, which has quickly become the industry standard for corporate and event headshot photography. By shooting directly into a computer, clients can see previews during the session, allowing for immediate adjustments to hair, clothing, or other details. This eliminates surprises and ensures everyone is happy with their images.

Streamlined Workflow with Headshot Tools

Headshot Tools offers several features that make the process smoother for both the photographer and the client. For project organizers, receiving files named by employee name saves the hassle of renaming files. Moreover, each subject gets a private gallery link within minutes of their session, so they can select their favorite image for retouching without the whole office seeing their proofs.

Once retouched, the images are delivered back through the same proof gallery. This means you, as the project organizer, don’t need to send numerous individual emails. Instead, you receive a master gallery link to download all the finished images in one place.

Ready to Book?

When choosing a headshot photographer, be sure to ask about the software workflow (it might just save you hours or days of work after the event). Reviews, local reputation, image portfolio, studio availability, and options for new hires are also important to the experience.

Reach out if you’re interested in learning more about headshot options for your team or your next event or conference. I’m Detroit based, but I do travel for larger projects. For smaller projects outside Michigan, I might be able to recommend a fellow photographer that can offer a similar level of service.


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