Men's Business Casual Headshot Clothing Tips

The men’s business casual look is very popular for a professional headshot. It’s perfect for LinkedIn, a website and social media. A button down shirt with a jacket dresses things up just enough without forcing a suit and tie. Neck ties aren’t that common these days. And even clients who do come with with a suit and tie are quick to rip off the tie as soon as we’re done with the photo session.

Clothing Fit is Key

So while business casual look appears straight forward, fit couldn’t me more important. Your jacket should be sized and properly tailored. And you need a dress shirt with the proper neck size. Otherwise, you won’t look as polished.

How to Wreck Your Look

Even more important though is your choice of undershirt! That’s right, if you wear a shirt under your button down shirt, it’s gotta be a V-neck! All the clothing details are amplified from your chest up. And a stark white t-shirt peaking through will really bring down the whole look. Check out this video for a little more background and explanation.