Coming Soon — Troy Photography Studio

What better way to kick off 2019 than to announce my new Troy Photography Studio!

In just a few short weeks, I’ll be moving in. All the details will follow. At the moment, I’m buried in all the planning details. Furniture decisions, space planning, technology considerations, internet access, light stands, backdrops and so many other random little details. Thankfully, my wife got me the most important detail — a coffee maker!

Professional Headshot.jpg

Thanks to your support, this past year was my best by far. The need for a dedicated studio space became very clear over the summer. It’s something I’ve been pondering for a long time. But this was the first time it just made sense.

Individual Headshot Clients

Individual clients will benefit from a fixed space where I can really refine the entire client experience. And with a location in Troy, right off I-75, I’ll be more accessible to the larger metro Detroit area.

Corporate Photography Clients

Corporate clients will benefit as well. I’ll still be available to travel to a conference room near you, but as my corporate base grows, the need for makeup and new hire sessions grow too. When photographing lots of people in a day or two, things come up. The dreaded fire drill email from the boss, a pressing client need, or illness all are quite common. Accommodating these last minute changes will be just a simple calendar appointment away.

The studio will also be a great meeting place. Client and networking meetings will be a snap. And I’m also looking at the possibility of offering small workshops. Do you have an idea for a workshop? Or would you like to partner on a workshop? Send me a note!

Look for appointments in the new studio very soon

If you want to pencil something in, let me know. The month will book up fast. Otherwise, keep an eye on the blog for updates. If you’re not already getting my newsletter, I’ll be sending an update there as well.

Thanks again for your support. Make it a great year!


Troy Photography Studio Update


Meet Psychotherapist Vince Anthony Pitre