Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Video Tips - How to find the right headshot photographer for you

As with any professional service provider, every headshot or portrait photographer has a slightly different approach. This video will highlight a few points to keep in mind as you begin your search.

As with any professional service provider, every headshot or portrait photographer has a slightly different approach. This video will highlight a few points to keep in mind as you begin your search.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

My interview with Troy business coach Minesh Baxi

Put me in front of a still camera and I’m good playing the model. But put me in front of a video camera and I still get a little nervous.

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Put me in front of a still camera and I’m good playing the model. But put me in front of a video camera and I still get a little nervous. So this opportunity was a great way step outside my comfort zone with a live interview. Unlike my own YouTube channel, there were no second takes!

Thanks to Detroit business coach Minesh Baxi for his hospitality. Check out his page here. He’s building quite a catalog of interview from businesses all over Troy and the Detroit metro region!

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Video Tips - How much does a professional headshot cost?

Like any professional service, pricing can vary depending on a number of factors. This video will summarize what drives the cost of a professional portrait or headshot.

Like any professional service, pricing can vary depending on a number of factors. This video will summarize what drives the cost of a professional portrait or headshot.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Video Tips - When to update your headshot

If it’s been awhile since your last professional portrait, it may be time for an update. While there’s no set formula, watch this video for the most common reasons to update.

If it’s been awhile since your last professional portrait, it may be time for an update. While there’s no set formula, watch this video for the most common reasons to update.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Video Tips - How to print your headshot

Take full advantage of your professional headshot by using it in your print marketing. Whether you're printing business cards or billboards, watch this video for a few essential tips to make sure your portrait looks amazing on paper!

Take full advantage of your professional headshot by using it in your print marketing. Whether you're printing business cards or billboards, watch this video for a few essential tips to make sure your portrait looks amazing on paper!

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The Blog

Headshot tips, client features, and more!