Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

How to pass the Michigan Bar Exam (or appeal your score)

I wanted to highlight one recent client, JD Advising, based in Royal Oak. The founder, Ashley Heidemann, runs both JD Advising and a small law firm, The Heidemann Jabbori Law Firm. JD Advising is actually a test prep organization — helping clients both get into law school and pass the bar.

Lately, I’ve been photographing a lot of attorneys — helping them make great first impressions on their prospective clients (and reassuring existing clients they made the right choice).

I wanted to highlight one recent client, JD Advising, based in Royal Oak. The founder, Ashley Heidemann, runs both JD Advising and a small law firm, The Heidemann Jabbori Law Firm. JD Advising is actually a test prep organization — helping clients both get into law school and pass the bar.

But that’s not all. It turns out, you can actually appeal a failed bar exam in Michigan. JD Advising is one of the few firms that offer this service.

As each member of the firm came in for their headshots and portraits, I found myself peppering them with questions about their operation. So I wanted to invite the firm on the blog.

Tell us in your words, about the firm, and how you got into the test prep (and bar appeals) business.

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Ashley Heidemann (Founder and CEO): I started JD Advising because I felt that a high-quality bar exam course was missing from the bar exam course market. There was (and still is) a great need for a course that teaches you exactly what you need to pass the bar exam. Our course seeks to fill that void. Since we are bar exam experts, it was only natural to also help clients write bar exam appeals. We love helping people pass the bar exam—even if it’s on appeal!

Can you appeal your results in other states or just Michigan?

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Meagan Jabbori (Lead Course Instructor and Tutor for JD Advising, Partner at Heidemann Jabbori Law Firm): Most jurisdictions do not allow for bar examination appeals. Instead, many states have regrade systems built into their process where if an examinee fails by a certain number of points, the exam gets regraded automatically, so it seems that most states do not allow them. Therefore, we specialize in writing only Michigan Bar Exam appeals.

Why do you think people fail the bar? Is it lack of prep or nerves or something else?

Meagan Jabbori: Many people suffer from test anxiety and that is definitely an obstacle they have to manage or overcome to be successful. However, we find that on average, the reason most people fail the bar is because they don’t have the law memorized enough. Many people going through bar prep get overwhelmed at the volume of material that they have to sort through, understand and memorize, so it is easy to fall behind. Further, many students don’t realize that they don’t have the law memorized. This is usually due to the fact that they go through the motions of lectures and practicing, which is time consuming, and thus they don’t realize they are neglecting an important piece of the process.

Tell us about your other test prep services

Meagan Jabbori: We offer many different courses and tutoring options. We offer services all the way from prelaw services (application assistance, LSAT test prep, a law school prep course), law school services (tutoring in all law school courses and legal research and writing), and bar exam services for the Michigan Bar Exam, Uniform Bar Exam, and California Bar Exam. We specialize in high quality, personal preparation and have a high success rate. We also work with law schools, including top 10 law schools, and law firms nationwide to help students pass the bar exam.

Can you share a favorite test taking tip for us non attorneys?

Meagan Jabbori: Approach material for an exam in three steps: (1) Try your best to understand the material you are learning. If something doesn’t make sense, get help! (2) Memorize. Most exams people have to take are closed book. This requires the examinee to have the materials memorized. Memorization is a lot of work and time consuming. But remember, repetition is key. Don’t expect to have something memorized after looking it over once. Additionally, it is easier to memorize something you understand (step 1). (3) Practice. Before taking a test it’s always best to try practice questions so that you can get a feel for what the test may expect of you and how well you know the materials.

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Isabella Shaya (Editor, Writer, and Coordinator for JD Advising): Figure out how you study best based on your learning style. Some people are visual learners, which means charts and diagrams may be the best way to memorize the material. Auditory learners may benefit from repeating the information out load rather than writing it down. I personally benefit from making up my own mnemonics and repeating them. Figuring out the best study method for you, rather than just doing what everyone else is doing, will help you achieve your goals efficiently!

If you think JD Advising could help you, don’t hesitate to contact them!

If your business is growing or could use some new images featuring the people that make it tick, drop me a note.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Video Tips - How to change your LinkedIn photo

Make sure your professional image looks fantastic on your LinkedIn profile. Watch this quick video for a few key tips.

Watch this video for a few key tips on how to download your professional photograph upon delivery, with specific notes on Dropbox and Pixieset galleries. If you’re not careful, it’s very easy to inadvertently downsize your image file.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Video Tips - How to download your headshot

Watch this video for a few key tips on how to download your professional photograph upon delivery, with specific notes on Dropbox and Pixieset galleries. If you’re not careful, it’s very easy to inadvertently downsize your image file.

Watch this video for a few key tips on how to download your professional photograph upon delivery, with specific notes on Dropbox and Pixieset galleries. If you’re not careful, it’s very easy to inadvertently downsize your image file.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Video Tips - What to expect in retouching your headshot

It’s easy to go overboard in all sorts of directions when it comes to retouching a photo. This video will cover my take as it relates to your professional image.

How much retouching does your portrait or headshot need before posting it on LinkedIn or your company’s website? It’s easy to go overboard in all sorts of directions when it comes to retouching a photo. This video will cover my take as it relates to your professional image.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Physician, Dr Phil Hellman, MD, brings Direct Primary Care to Rochester

Here’s an idea: Instead of spending most of your time filling out forms at a primary care doctor visit, and maybe five minutes with the doctor, why not spend an hour with your doctor? Yes, I was intrigued too.

Here’s an idea: Instead of spending most of your time filling out forms at a primary care doctor visit, and maybe five minutes with the doctor, why not spend an hour with your doctor? Yes, I was intrigued too.

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Dr. Phil, of Paradox Health in Rochester Hills follows the direct primary care (DPC) model, one of the few providers around Detroit. It’s essentially the family doctor model that your grandparents likely had — but don’t think of it as old fashioned.

Dr. Phil’s model is concierge medicine at its best. If you’re fortunate enough to have health insurance these days, you know that the majority of the time you spend in a doctor’s office involves insurance paperwork. So little of your appointment is actually spent with your doctor.

DPC changes all that. For an affordable monthly membership fee (less than your cell phone bill!), you can see Dr. Phil as much as you need to, and have access to him via phone, text, and email. Want to spend an hour reviewing your blood work? He’ll be more than happy to do that with you. If you’re intrigued, give him a call!If you’re intrigued, give him a call!

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Personal Branding Photography

Given that DPC is a new way of thinking about primary health care, getting the word out is critical, so I’ve been helping Dr. Phil on a few fronts. Photography, for starters.

With a variety of marketing channels (as with any small business), Dr. Phil needs a modern image that works online, in print, and in social media. As a small operation, he very much is his practice. So whereas a doctor in a large practice or hospital system might hide behind an outdated headshot, Dr. Phil needs to be front and center. Check out some of the images we made during his recent portrait session.

And Video!

But we didn’t stop with headshots and portraits. Getting the message out in this case requires video. He wanted to record a couple intro videos for his site explaining more about the model and his practice — the ‘why’ he does what he does. Check out the first clip here. Dr. Phil scripted these videos himself and knocked them out in a few takes. But we’re not all that lucky, so don’t worry if you need a hand.

On his own, Dr. Phil has supplemented these clips with patient testimonials. If you don’t have the resources for a full production crew, this a great way to do it.

With my YouTube revival lately, I’m excited to offer some essential video services to help my clients augment their still images. If you’d like to learn more about what we can do on the video front, drop me a note. And of course, I’m always happy to chat about a headshot session.

Our health care system is far from perfect, but I think Dr. Phil’s work is exactly what we need more of. It was a privilege to help him spread the word. If you’re even the least bit curious, give Dr. Phil a call.

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The Blog

Headshot tips, client features, and more!