Detroit Portrait Masters Associate Photographer

As a creative, self promotion is always a little tricky. But then I remind myself that larger organizations have PR departments with the primary objective of tooting their own horns. So here we go…

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I’m thrilled to have just earned the designation of Associate Photographer through the Portrait Masters Organization of Sue Bryce Education. Currently, I’m one of only 5 photographers in Michigan to earn this award!

To earn the designation, I had to submit a portfolio of work for review by other award winning photographers. As primarily a headshot photographer, most of my work falls in the contemporary portrait category. But I also earned credit within the teen, childrens, maternity and boudoir categories.

Images are then judged by various criteria, including expression, composition, posing, lighting, post production, focus and storytelling.

As a photographer, the distinction is a mark of a professional standard. Since operating as a portrait photographer requires no formal certification or licensing, these designations establish a professional baseline.

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As a client or consumer, these standards offer reassurance that the photographer you’re hiring is more than competent at image making. Surely you’ve heard the horror stories of wedding or portrait sessions gone awry because the photographer overpromisied or was in over their head.

Running a successful photography business requires both a mastery of the craft and solid business skills. For better or worse, though, the business skill is usually the more essential piece.

Having come from a business background (MBA), I’ve always found it fascinating that actual business training tends to be completely absent from any professional school or training. I see brand new attorneys, doctors and dentists all the time that are starting a practice and have had zero business training. Running a business is hard and it takes different skills than the profession you’ve chosen.

So when looking to hire a professional, take a look at the overall business and business practices. Whether one can successfully run a business may or may not make a huge difference in your immediate needs (whether it’s a portrait, a tooth filling, or estate planning). But it makes a huge difference in ensuring you can begin to establish a relationship with a business who’ll likely be around next time you need them.

Learn more about my individual sessions and book online!


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