Thoughts On iPhone 6
The point and shoot camera is dead. That's right. As a portrait photographer and father, I declare that the point-and-shoot camera is history. An iPhone (millions actually) has taken it’s place.
I grabbed this shot while on a jog. Apple's built in HDR function is way beyond most 'pro' cameras.
In the last few weeks, I’ve gotten questions from several friends asking the “what camera should I buy” question. The budget for each was around $500 or less. In each case, without hesitation, I recommended simply sticking with an iPhone. If you’re still itching to spend a few dollars, look for a good book geared towards photo composition or study the detailed features of your phone’s camera. Practice taking pictures in low light, bright light, or try following a moving object.
Why am I so confident of this claim? For most people looking to make snapshots of kids, family & friends, or to record the next vacation, an iPhone 6 is a near perfect solution. The iPhone has an amazing ability to do things that even professional level cameras can’t or can’t do as easily. Time-lapse and slo-mo videos are two features that come to mind. Each distorts time, one slowing it down, the other speeding it up. Used appropriately, these features are very effective in telling your visual story. Slow motion videos are very handy with kids, water, or anything that moves fast. My only worry is that they’ll go the way of cat videos–so use your discretion. And for time lapse videos, pick up a little smartphone tripod, and go crazy! The video below is just a quick sample of the possibilities.
Another huge reason why iPhones are the superior option is that they’re usually within arm’s reach. They’re ready to go with a flick of a thumb. Most people carry their bigger cameras packed in a fancy case. At first glance, it seems to make sense. You keep nice things in a case for protection. But a case works against you when that special moment occurs. You have to stop, find the zipper, open the case, get the camera, remove the lens cap, turn it on, and hope the settings are about right. Odds are, by the time you can push the button, the moment is gone (especially with kids). And the moment makes the picture (not the technical details).
So save your money, read up on your phone’s camera features, and enjoy the moments! And don’t forget to back up those photos...