Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

Angie McMonigal's Fine Art Photography Workshop

As a full-time headshot photographer, it’s easy to forgot what it’s like to shoot for fun, as a hobby. But recently, I had the opportunity to join my friend Angie McMongial on one of her abstract architectural photography workshops in LA, and it turned out to be the perfect creative reset I needed

As a full-time headshot photographer, it’s easy to forget what it’s like to shoot for fun, as a hobby. But recently, I had the opportunity to join my friend Angie McMonigal on one of her abstract architectural photography workshops in LA, and it turned out to be the perfect creative reset I needed.

Angie McMonigal

I met Angie while still living outside of Chicago. We both taught at the Out of Chicago workshop. She does some fantastic architectural work, most of it more abstract as she plays with the interesting combinations of new and old structures in a big city. Her style is quite unique in my opinion, and her teaching style is relaxed, casual, and very approachable.

I still attend workshops on occasion, but everything I’ve done in the past few years was geared towards more advanced portrait photography techniques. So, the decision to give this workshop a try was a big jump for me.

The Workshop Experience

For three non-stop days, we hit many of the key LA landmark buildings, most notably, the Disney Concert Hall and the Getty. Each spot started with a brief overview as Angie provided some insight into the location. She showed some past images for inspiration and discussed opportunities specific to the time of day, etc. Then we pretty much roamed free. Some participants chose to do their own thing, while others stuck more with the group or had other questions for Angie.

Walt Disney Concert Hall

Getting dropped into these locations, usually via Uber, is great because I don’t have to think about getting there and all the other logistics. Angie covers all the details in a well-planned schedule. During the workshop, I really just had to make it to the morning meeting spot in the hotel, and Angie takes it from there.

We bonded as a group, and the days ended with a great dinner and drinks. I made new friends that I would ordinarily have little in common with photographically speaking.

Upcoming Workshops

Angie has led or is planning workshops in NY, SF, LA, and Toronto. She’s always scoping out new ideas as well, and Miami might be next on the list. If you're looking for a change of pace in your photography or need a creative reset, I highly recommend checking out these workshops. And if photographing architectural details is your passion, then you've got to do one of these workshops.

Got headshot questions? Check out the headshot FAQs.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

How AI-Generated Jokes Can Help Ease the Nerves of Camera-Shy Headshot Clients

As a portrait photographer, it's my job to help my clients feel at ease during their photo shoot, and I do have my own tricks to do that. But I'm no stand-up comedian. That's why I recently turned to AI for some assistance. I asked ChatGPT to come up with some jokes to help lighten the mood for my nervous clients. I have used ChatGPT before for blog topic ideas and proofreading, but I had never tried it for humor. I was curious to see what it could do.

As a Detroit based headshot photographer, most of my clients are working professionals, not models, and many of them are not comfortable being in front of the camera. In fact, some would rather be at the dentist! As a portrait photographer, it's my job to help my clients feel at ease during their photo shoot, and I do have my own tricks to do that. But I'm no stand-up comedian.

Using AI-Generated Jokes to Lighten the Mood

That's why I recently turned to AI for some assistance. I asked ChatGPT to come up with some jokes to help lighten the mood for my nervous clients. I have used ChatGPT before for blog topic ideas and proofreading, but I had never tried it for humor. I was curious to see what it could do.

I asked ChatGPT to write some jokes to help nervous headshot clients relax a bit, and it came up with a list of 10 jokes. Check out the video for details. Unfortunately, most weren’t very useful. Some of them were sort of funny, but most of them were a bit too harsh or not subtle enough. I could maybe deliver 1 or 2 of them with a straight face, but the rest were a no-go.

The Limitations of AI-Generated Work

While ChatGPT is great at coming up with blog topics and explaining photography concepts, it turns out that humor is a lot harder. AI may have its uses, but replacing human comedians is not one of them (yet 🤔).

At the end of the day, helping someone through a headshot session is not easy. It takes a personal touch to make the subject feel confident and camera-ready for their next appearance on camera. I always try to leave my clients with a tip or two they can take with them, whether it's about posing, expression, or confidence.

Have you ever used AI for humor or any other creative endeavor? Let me know. And if you're in need of a headshot, don't worry - I won't make any bad jokes, just dad jokes… 🤦‍♂️🤣

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

The Best Conference Room for a Headshot Day at Work

Are you planning a headshot event at your office? Have you picked out the best conference room or lobby space to have the photographer set up? I’ve found big differences between what clients think makes a great studio space and what doesn’t.

Are you planning a headshot event at your office? Have you picked out the best conference room or lobby space to have the photographer set up? I’ve found big differences between what clients think makes a great studio space and what doesn’t. So here’s a short video and guide with some considerations.


We’ll get to the photography details, but first it’s worth mentioning some functional notes. Over my years of on location headshot photography work in Detroit and Chicago, I’ve found that people generally don’t like an audience when getting a headshot. So if there’s a way to configure the room that allows for some privacy, your colleagues will appreciate it.

In terms of actual room size, at minimun, I like to have 4-6 feet of width and about 20 feet of depth to work with. I’ve squeezed into some pretty tight spaces over the years, but the best spaces will have room for people to enter and exit safely, without the risk of tripping over each other or the equipment.

Photography Considerations

The primary objective of your headshot day at work is to deliver a set of consistent images. My goal is to provide you with a consistent image whether I come to your office or your send your new hires to my Troy studio in the future.

A large common space with lots of natural light can actually introduce some challenges to providing consistent headshot images throughout the day or in the future.

To get this consistency, most photographers (myself included) want complete control of the light in the room. We bring and make our own lights. What does this mean for the room choice? It means we don’t care about big spacious windows or skyline views out the window. When I enter a room to set up, I typically start by dimming the lights and closing the blinds. 🧛🏻‍♂️

We’ll also want to avoid rooms with bold accent colored walls or anything else nearby that holds a lot of color. Studio lights can reflect off these walls or objects, which creates a color cast (not good for consistency).

If you can’t avoid a room with windows, stick with a north facing view (in the northern hemisphere). This will minimize any harsh light hitting the room. Direct morning or afternoon sun can create hard light casts across the background or subject, which are very difficult to remove in post.


Access to a wall power outlet is always appreciated as is wifi access.

If there’s not a table in the room, access to a small portable table or cart can be helpful especially if we’re proofing on site (allowing everyone to see and select their favorite image via laptop.

Final Thoughts

I hope this post gives you a few things to consider that you hadn’t already thought about. All these details will add up to make a smooth day with a great final images.

If you have any questions about your space, don’t hesitate to send me a note or call. Many clients will send a few snapshots of possible rooms. I can typically tell you in a glance what space would be best.

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

What to Wear to Your Professional Headshot Session in 2023

Is a new headshot on your list this year? Deciding what to wear is sometimes more stressful than the actual session (and neither are worth stressing about!).

Is a new headshot on your list this year? Deciding what to wear is sometimes more stressful than the actual session (and neither are worth stressing about!).

To help your decision, I’ve compiled a few highlight images from the past year or so from my Detroit headshot studio.

These images are all great of examples of what works and why. But first a quick recap of key clothing tips:

  1. Fit is key! Everything should fit you properly. When in doubt, opt for a fitted look over an oversize garment (even if it’s a little tight).

  2. Solids over patterns — keep it simple. Patterns can create unneeded distractions. So if you’re only wearing one outfit, stick to a solid color. Light patterns can make for a good second look.

  3. Keep the jewelry to a minimum.

Best Men’s Looks

First, we have Mike, wearing a classic navy sport coat over a light blue open collared shirt. His jacket fit is great and his shirt is properly fitted with the collar falling nicely under the jacket lapel. Only the top button is open, which is my suggestion for a professional look.

Then we have Howard with a suit and tie. Again, perfectly fitted shirt (proper neck size) and jacket. For a casual look, he opted for more color, which is great for variety.

Best Women’s Looks

I just love Nikki’s purple dress here. Simple, clean and flattering. The asymmetrical neckline adds a bit of a modern feel without being distraction. As a local realtor, Nikki chose purple to align with her branding.

Then we have Connie in a classic black dress with small pearl earrings. It doesn’t get any more timeless than this.

Last we have Jeanne in a cozy soft blue sweater and Bobbi in subtle patterned jacket (I wouldn’t go with any heavier pattern than this) over a black shirt. You can’t go wrong with blue!

Final Thoughts

So if you do feel the need to do some shopping prior to your session, I hope these examples give you some inspiration. If you’re still struggling to decide, reach out and we can discuss before you come in. Bringing a second option, just in case, never hurts either!

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Scott Lawrence Scott Lawrence

How Many Headshots Do You Need?

Do you need one headshot or a bunch? The answer depends, of course.

Do you need one headshot or a bunch? The answer depends, of course. So here’s how I approach the question with my portrait clients here in Detroit.

What’s the Goal of Your Headshot?

What does your headshot need to do for you? Are you trying to find a new job, perhaps in a completely different industry or different job culture? Or, are you trying to attract applicants to your organization? 

Are you working a social media campaign on LinkedIn to broaden your reach as an expert in your field? 

Are you publishing a book? 

Are you applying to a super competitive theater program? 

These just a few of actual client needs. Some of these cases might just require one great image, others, a few more. For example, if you’re dusting off your LinkedIn profile for a new corporate job — one image is the goal. And be sure to follow my friend and LinkedIn coach, Brenda Meller, for all the latest LinkedIn tips.

Who’s Your Audience?

If you can easily come up with multiple audiences, then you likely want an image for each one. For example, an orthodontist is going to want one image to appeal to parents and teens (prospective patients) and another look for professional peers.

Image Format

Some clients need a tight square crop and full length vertical image in different places throughout their marketing. Technically, a single image can be cropped down, but it doesn’t always look the best. Or perhaps your image must have a couple different backgrounds?


As you start thinking about these questions, you may realize that different outfits are best to meet the needs I’ve just mentioned. A suit for your peers, a relaxed casual look for your clients or patients. For examples some dentists like their patient facing images to be in scrubs while they wear a suit for professional appearances.

As an actor, a different outfit helps get you in a particular mindset for a look. Even if you’re not an actor, your outfit will help drive your mood. A casual outfit will help you relax and vice versa.

Just Because

Sometimes it’s just nice to celebrate yourself and enjoy some variety. You partner may really enjoy a particular look while your kids might appreciate something else, while you might love a particular angle.

This is why I like to remind clients that a the studio is where we capture as much as possible. We’ll edit later. If you try to edit your smiles (because you’re trying to hide that tooth you hate) in front of the camera you’ll get a bunch of forced looks. But if you let your guard down a bit, you might get some some amazing looks. And we can fix your tooth in photoshop!

So as you can see, the answer depends on a range of factors. My goal here is to get you thinking about the possibilities and questions that will come up during your session.

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Headshot tips, client features, and more!