Headshots by Scott Lawrence

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Meet Psychotherapist Vince Anthony Pitre

Many of my headshot clients are therapists. They all realize the power of a warm and welcoming first impression. Not unlike an attorney or physician, we trust therapists with the most sensitive challenges that life tends to lob our way. Vince humbly exudes that sense of trust and approachability. It was my honor to help him with a professional image.

Tell us about your business.

As a psychotherapist for over twenty-one years, I’ve helped a national park full of people to quit smoking, release weight and anxiety. My clients are mostly women and men between the ages of 25 – 55 and teens with support of a parent. My practice is located at 16 ½ and Mound in Sterling Heights, MI.

What’s unique about how you do what you do?

Common talk therapy engages conscious thoughts, feelings and behaviors in a useful process that’s like pruning a tree. Even though I do great talk therapy, for clients who are ready to go beyond that, I love to go deeper by addressing the roots of symptoms. By working together to correct the conditions underlying symptoms at the root, the insides can gradually match the outsides as clients grow out of their problems while developing mobility, stability, strength and power from the inside out.

What’s the one thing most people don’t know about your industry, but should?

An effective therapist has extensive experience, training and above all has found the courage to find themselves, facing both their light and darkness in an ongoing evolving process to better help, encourage and inspire others to live their best life. An effective client is someone who goes to therapy because they initially feel a need to release pain, bad habits and navigate changes. They discover that they've been in therapy with themselves all along. Now they're coming to therapy for professional guidance to augment their own process not from a sense of need but rather from a sense of wonderment and want for discovering the true nature of how they can uniquely learn, heal and harmonize with change to become their best.

Where can readers go to learn more?

Ready to be, do and have your best? Set up a free 20-minute phone consultation: newoutcomestherapy.com/contact/

If you’d like to discuss updating your image for a new website or rebrand, let’s chat.