Headshots by Scott Lawrence

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How to Pose for your Headshot

It turns out there’s a lot of posing for the best headshot. As your Detroit photographer, here are some essential tips.

Why Headshot Posing Matters

While you may only see your shoulders and face, posing fundamentals are hard at work when it comes to a headshot. In fact, I would argue that posing is even more critical in a headshot. An inch or two in the right direction makes all the difference.

Proper Stance

It all starts with an athletic stance, feet shoulder width apart or so. And lead with one foot. From there, expect to lean (from the core) on the front foot a bit more. This gives you a more engaging presence in the camera. The alternative is a standoffish look, if you lean back.

Reduce a Double Chin

Think forehead out, chin down. That’s the most important part! This little trick will slim down your neck and emphasize your eyes!

Waist Up Posing

If you need a waist up or full length shot, clothing fit is critical. Fitted shirts or jackets (jackets that button) will help you appear slimmer because we can leverage negative space between your arms and torso.

Expression and Lighting

Finally, now the magic happens as we fine tune the lighting and fid your most authentic expressions!

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